Dr. Qinhua Fang, received his Ph. D in Environmental Science from Xiamen University in 2006, afterward he conducted postdoc research in School of Public Affairs and School of Economics of Xiamen University and Gerard J. Mangone Center for Marine Policy, College of Marine and Earth Studies, University of Delaware. He is now professor of ocean and coastal management science at College of the Environment and Ecology (CEE), Xiamen University. As Executive Director of the Coastal and Ocean Management Institute (COMI), Xiamen University, he also serves as the Vice Chair of PNLC, PNLG Deputy Secretary-General and actively participates in World Ocean Week in Xiamen. His research interest is mainly focused on the interfaces of science and management in the coastal areas, such as Strategic Environmental Assessment, Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Environmental Policies etc. Professor Fang has published in international journals such as Science, Nature, Marine Policy, Ocean & Coastal Management, Ecological Indicators, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Environmental Impact Assessment Review etc., he also has experiences of serving the international academic community such as in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Associate Editor), Ocean & Coastal Management (Guest Editor), and Water International (Guest Editor), Global Ocean Forum (policy advisor), Marine Spatial Planning Research Network (Steering Group member), the Conservation Evidence group at the University of Cambridge (Advisory Board member) and Action Platform on Source to Sea Management etc.