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The First Deep-sea Agriculture and Fishing Tourism Platform in Fujian— “Mintou No.1” Sea Resort Hotel Holds a Soft Opening

TIME:2023-07-21 10:42

Recently, in Dinghai Bay, Lianjiang County, Fujian’s first deep-sea aquaculture and fishing tourism platform--the “Mintou No.1” Fuyuhui Sea Resort Hotel has held a soft opening, marking a significant progress on Lianjiang’s ecological aquaculture platform construction project  “100 platforms and 10000 tons”.

Book online, park your car at the port, and take the shuttle boat for more than ten minutes, then you can reach “Mintou No.1”, which is about 5 nautical miles from the shore. At present, “Mintou No.1” has 25 boutique guest rooms, a dining hall with  116 seats, boxes, waterside bars, promenade decks, and functional areas that can meet business needs, such as meeting rooms and tea houses. Different from other luxury liners, “Mintou No.1”, the first deep-sea aquaculture and fishing tourism platform in Fujian, not only has entertainment facilities, but also supports smart fishery, deep-sea aquaculture, etc. It is estimated that the annual output of high-quality large yellow croaker will reach 600 tons. 



In the future, “Mintou No.1” will continue to promote the integration of fisheries and tourism, developing new business patterns including offshore swimming pools, offshore motorboats, and study tours, making itself a new iconic site for coastal tourism. 

The reporter learned that in recent years, Lianjiang County has made use of marine resources and location advantages to continuously facilitate the deep integration of cultural tourism and fishing tourism industries, and has created iconic coastal  sites, such as Tongxin Hamlet in Ankai Village, Gushi Hamlet in Huangqi Town, Jiaonan Hamlet in Tailu Town, and Shanhai Sports Town in Dinghai Bay, Xiaocheng Town. 




Translation: 21CMCC
