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Promoting China's Maritime Development Emerging Maritime Industries Maintained Rapid Growth

TIME:2023-07-13 09:23

On July 11, the State Council Information Office P.R.C. held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Authoritative Departments Talking about the Opening". Wang Hong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Director of the State Oceanic Administration, said at the conference that the oceans are a strategic place for high-quality development, and that the Ministry of Natural Resources is conscientiously studying and implementing the strategic deployment of the 20th National Congress of the CPC on accelerating the construction of a strong oceanic country, and is actively planning a new opening to accelerate the implementation of the new deployments, which are mainly in the following four aspects:

First, promoting the high-quality development of the marine economy. In 2022, the national marine gross domestic product (marine GDP) reached 9.4628 trillion yuan, accounting for 7.8% of GDP. Marine emerging industries maintain a rapid growth trend. Newly undertaken orders and hand-held orders in the marine equipment manufacturing industry make a year-on-year growth of 175.9% and 34.6% respectively. Offshore wind power generation increased by 116.2% year-on-year. China's first MW tidal power unit has realized grid-connected power generation and the scale of the seawater desalination project has been further expanded. 

Second, strengthening the protection and utilization of marine resources. Since the 20th National Congress of the CPC, the Ministry of Natural Resources has adhered to strict control of reclamation, strengthened the protection of uninhabited islands, strictly abided by the bottom line of the retention rate of the mainland's natural coastline, and continued to improve the pattern of marine spatial protection and development. In 2023, from January to May, the country found and halted 10 suspected illegal reclamations of about 2.19 hectares, and 4 suspected illegal use of islands of about 0.81 hectares. At the same time, under the premise of strictly abiding by the bottom line of marine ecological safety, efforts have been made to safeguard the use of sea and islands for major national projects and livelihood projects. 

Thirdly, upgrading marine monitoring and early warning capacity. The Ministry of Natural Resources has continued to promote the national project for a three-dimensional global ocean observation network, forming a comprehensive "land, sea, air and sky" observation system that integrates a network of marine stations, radar networks, buoys, undersea observation networks, volunteer ships, cross-section surveys and satellite remote sensing. The "chip" project for marine forecasting has been implemented, and significant progress has been made in independent innovation, with the Mazu (Goddess of the Sea, worshiped by most fishermen in Fujian and Taiwan) series of marine early-warning modes of reporting realizing operational operation. China possesses complete independent intellectual property rights. 

Fourthly, deeply involving in global ocean governance. The Ministry of Natural Resources actively develops blue partnerships, promotes the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, constructively participates in the Convention on Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization beyond Areas of National Jurisdiction under the framework of the United Nations and the consultation of regulations on the development of mineral resources in the international seabed area. It has taken the lead in participating in United Nation Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, initiated the Deep Sea Habitats Discovery Project, which has been approved by the United Nations as a major scientific program of the Ocean Decade, and promoted the conservation and sustainable use of deep sea biodiversity, striving to uphold the concept of building a maritime community with a shared future. 


