On September 9, Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government attended the opening ceremony of the Congress, the international conference on "From Stable Recovery to Sustainable Prosperity in the Post COVID-19 Asia Pacific", the Executive Bureau meeting and Council meeting of UCLG ASPAC, as well as the closing ceremony of the Congress. The Congress formally adopted the UCLG ASPAC Manifesto 2021-2025. At the Executive Bureau meeting, the Presidency, the Executive Bureau, the Committees and the Secretariat of UCLG ASPAC reported on their activities respectively. Du Weigang, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government reported on the work progress of the 21st-Century Maritime Cooperation Committee since 2020 and its future work plan, and also invited all the attendees to participate in the future activities of the Committee. The Executive Bureau meeting also announced new members of UCLG ASPAC, while approved Xi'an, China as the host city of the 2022 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau meeting. Moreover, the meeting granted approval for Gyeonggi Provincial Government, the Republic of Korea to establish the HDP Nexus Committee, Xi'an to establish the Committee on Tourism , and the All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) to establish the Committee on Circular Economy. After that, the Council meeting announced to extend the term of the Presidency, the Executive Bureau, and the Council of UCLG ASPAC from 2022 to 2023.

Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government attended the opening ceremony of the 8th UCLG ASPAC Congress

Representative from Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government delivered a speech at the Executive Bureau meeting of UCLG ASPAC
In addition, Foreign Affairs Office of Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government also participated in several side events including the conference themed on “Post-Pandemic Tourism Recovery – Insight and Strategy” held by Xi’an, the committee meeting of Standing Committee of Women in Local Government hosted by Guangzhou, the international forum on “Give Full Play to the Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Fighting the COVID 19 and Strengthen TCM International Exchanges” led by Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government, as well as the committee meeting of Belt and Road Local Cooperation Committee organized by Hangzhou, so as to learn from the experience of other cities in organizing meetings.

A group photo of all participants at the closing ceremony of the 8th UCLG ASPAC Congress